Monday, June 28, 2010

Wandern auf Tegernsee


Hallo Alle!  Today we went hiking on the Tegernsee.  It was not nearly as steep or hard as yesterday; mainly flat, but with a bit of hill.  Pretty trail through the woods, along the lake, etc.  Beautiful.  Lots of panorama pictures.  At the beginning, it was less shady, cuz we weren't in the woods yet.  I wore jeans, so I was really really hot.  Later though, when we were in the woods, it was perfect.  I don't remember if I said this yesterday, but apparently there are no poisonous plants around here.  Elsewhere in Germany there's this berry that 2 can kill you.  The first makes you blind, and the 2nd makes you have a heart attack.  Also, there's no natural predators around here.  Well, big ones anyway.  Biggest animals in the forest are the deer and the foxes.  And the snakes aren't poisonous either.  So really the only bad things are the slugs, and although they're gross (und groß), they're harmless.  So after about an hour and a half of hiking, we ended up in Tegernsee (the city; we had started in Gmund, but we walked along the Tegernsee {the lake} the whole time).  We toured a beautiful church, I believe it was the parish church of St. Quirinus.  It was all white and bright inside, with lots of paintings on the pretty.  It was like a wedding cake.  I've only ever been in the dark cathedrals before.  After the church, we went to a restaurant/Bräuhaus next door, which was delicious.  I had Bierwurst mit Kartofflen/Gurkensalat, und eine Radler, which is half lemonade, half beer.  Quite tasty.  Then after a while of chillin, we got on the train and came home.  And now I must do homework.  The grammar class seems like its gonna be really easy, and the literature class is going to be interesting and fun.  Werner, the guy who teaches the literature course, is a hilarious guy.  And Frau Bambauer, the grammar teacher, is really nice.  Tomorrow's the first film class with Herr Keel, so we'll see how that goes.  Well, I shall talk to you all later, got Hausaufgaben zu machen.  Tschüs!

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