Monday, July 17, 2017

2017-2018 School Year

17 de julio 2017
Mount Prospect, Illinois, United States

Hello everyone!

I have a few travel posts to catch up on (I'm so terrible at keeping up on this, sorry!) but many people have been asking about my school breaks this coming year (probably my last year?) so they can come visit.

If you can't come during one of the breaks, that's fine!  I can meet up with you on the weekends and you can entertain yourself while I go to work.

For reference, Bucaramanga is approximately an hour flight to Bogotá, Medellin, Cartagena, and really anywhere else in Colombia (though depending on the city you'll likely have to fly through Bogotá anyway).

Without further ado, here's my work calendar.  I've underlined the larger breaks.

August 8 - First day of work!
August 21 No School
October 7-16 October break, but I have meetings on October 9 and 10
November 6 No School
November 13 No School
December 8 No School
December 14 - January 8 Winter break; I'll be coming home for Christmas, dates TBA
March 19 No School
March 24 - April 1 Spring break
May 1 No School
May 14 No School
June 15 - Last day of work!

I hope you can make it down to visit me!

P.S. I have a new address, email me if you want it.  I love mail!  For packages, FedEx is best and probably takes a week. Letters/postcards take about a month.