Friday, July 29, 2016

My Apartment!

29 de julio 2016
Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia 

Colleen and I finally finished decorating our apartment the other day and recorded a live video tour for your information and enjoyment! We like our apartment very much; it's a cute little place about a 7 minute walk from school.

A view from our walk to work

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

My Classroom!

27 de julio 2016
Colegio Panamericano, Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia

Check out this video to see a tour of my classroom!  It's so exciting! :D

UPDATE: I decorated my classroom! Check out this video tour!!

The front lobby

View from the front lobby

Primer día en Colombia

26 de julio 2016
Floridablanca, Colombia

I made it!  Now the real fun can start.

Flags for Colegio Panamericano, USA, Colombia, and Santander

I'll do a little video tour of my apartment once we finish unpacking and it looks presentable, but I'll give the Reader's Digest version here.  I've got a roommate, Colleen, and we live in a fourth floor walk-up.  Last night the two men from the chartered bus, the director of the school, and the HR director helped us carry up all our luggage and made sure we were settled before they left us to explore our new home.


  • We have a doorman.  He'll get our mail and packages (FYI, my principal got a Christmas card in February, so USPS is SUPER SLOW.  FedEx is the way to go.) and call us taxis and is the first line of defense in case of robbers or zombies.  He seems nice; we asked him a few questions today.
  • We have a three-bed two-bath.  My room has a personal bathroom and the other bathroom is in the hall.  The hall bathroom has an electric shower...we do not have gas-heated water in our apartment.
  • We have a stove but no oven.  I guess Colombians don't bake much.
  • We've got a tiny washer (no dryer).  Might fit like 3 days worth of clothes.  Haven't tried it out yet.
  • The previous tenant left us two giant fans (THANK YOU!) plus some other various stuff.
  • The school bought us some basic groceries:
    • Bread
    • Ham
    • Cheese
    • Nutella
    • Coffee (Decaf)
    • Milk
    • Water
    • Orange Juice
    • Salt
    • Sugar
    • Household Stuff
I finished unpacking but haven't hung up any stuff on the walls yet.  I'll try and do that tomorrow after we go to Home Center (like Home Depot meets Bed Bath & Beyond meets Ikea).

Once I do all that I'll show you my apartment, but until then, you'll have to make do with the view (taken from the comfort of my couch).

Daytime, just before sunset. 

Nighttime, just after sunset.

Today we had our first day of orientation - introduction, paperwork, notary, Visa pictures, and cell phones.  I got a pre-paid SIM for three months with some data, domestic minutes and texts, and UNLIMITED WhatsApp and Facebook (So get WhatsApp if you want to talk to me!)

This city is GORGEOUS.  No wonder it's called La Cita Bonita!

 I'm going to have to cross this bridge every day on my way to and from work.

We also had a tour of the school today, so I'll share some photos with you:

The school

 View from the school.  There's like five parks in the school.

 Some of the classrooms

My classroom! 

The school's "houses" are the Avatar element symbols!

Well I've got an early morning tomorrow (7:30 am call time) and seeing as it's 1 am, it's past my bedtime.  I've got to stop these late-night blog posts.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A Long, Long Journey

25 de julio 2016

Well today was a LONG journey.

A bit after 6 am, we (me, Mom, Dad, Grandma, and Noah) all piled into the car with my three giant suitcases, carry-on, and backpack.  I wasn't able to check in online yesterday since I had a "return" flight reserved but not paid for on my reservation (long story), which meant I wasn't able to check in at the kiosk either.  So we're standing in a long line of people with complication check-ins, and I'm worrying about getting onto my flight, PLUS whether or not all my baggage will make it onto my flight.  I had read online that there was a baggage embargo for anyone going to, from, or through Bogotá, and there was a question about whether that meant two bags or three bags was the maximum (each time any of us called United we got a different answer, from "What embargo?" to "You will have to ship your third bag.")

Well, after standing in this line for a while, worrying and waiting, a United rep pulls me out of line to ask about my situation.  She ends up canceling the troubling "return" flight, checks me in, and takes all three of my suitcases (50.0 lbs, 50.0 lbs, and 50.5 lbs... had to pay for the third bag, but not for the extra half pound!).  Then it is time to say goodbye and make my way through security.

I was pretty amazed actually; I didn't have to take off my shoes or anything complicated like taking my laptop or my toiletries out of my bag.  They didn't even have bins.  My carry-on did make them suspicious enough to check it by hand though; I guess they saw what looked like a weird gel on the scanner.  I think it ended up being my jewelry case...there's lots of plastic baggies in there, so maybe that looks like a gel?  Dude swabbed the inside of it too.  Anyway, turns out it was all ok.

So I go to Starbucks and due to my two Star Rewards I get a whole free breakfast, which is awesome.  Then I make my way through the Jetsons hallway to Concourse C, find the gate and chill there for a while with Adam, one of my new coworkers.

Then the flight is delayed 40 minutes.

Then the gate is changed.

Then my seat is changed.

Our 9:10 flight ended up leaving at 10:05.  Apparently the previous plane came in late, then had mechanical problems, then they decided they weren't going to fix it in time and changed planes, which resulted in many seat changes due to the different plane configuration.  They flew extra fast to try to make up for lost time though!  I think we got in around 11:45 or so.  Plus, my seat change meant I got a window seat instead of a middle!

Our layover in Houston was ~3 hours, so the delay didn't hurt us really.  At IAH we met up with a bunch of the other teachers and had lunch and one last good American beer before we got on our flight to Bogotá.

Nothing much to say about the IAH - BOG flight; I had a window again, I slept, I read, I played a game on the headrest TV.  We made it.

Sunset en route to Bogotá 

Once in Bogotá, we had to go through immigration, customs, and security.  The immigration line was super long and we were worried we were not going to make our flight (we only had about an hour to make the transfer).  However, it was quick and painless and the line went super fast.  No one had any issues getting through, even the cat that one of my coworkers brought with her.  Luckily we did not have to get our bags to recheck them; they were just checked on through to the next flight.

We had to run to catch a bus to take us to our plane (stairs on the runway situation), and Megan, the girl with the cat, almost didn't make the flight.  But we all got on in time!

So chill.

Once we got to Bucaramanga (around 11:45 pm), we all got all our bags and met up with our new bosses and colleagues, who packed us all into a bus and drove us to our apartments.

I got all my bags! Embargo be damned.

Let me tell you, that bus was packed TO THE LIMIT (well, beyond the limit to be honest).  It was a little terrifying.

Time to get friendly...and not get crushed by a suitcase avalanche.

And then it was complicated to get our suitcases out, since my roommate Colleen and I were the first stop.  They helped us get everything into our apartment (so many stairs!) and made sure we were all settled before they left for the next stop.

More on the new apartment later, it's nearly 3 am as of this writing (no WiFi yet so it will be posted later) and we are getting picked up at 9:30 in the morning for day one of orientation!  I'm so excited I can't sleep (hence the late-night writing)!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Final Countdown

24 de julio 2016
Mount Prospect, IL, USA

Well, it's my last day in the states until Christmas time.  It's pretty hectic, what with all the packing, but that's probably for the best.  Anytime I have a minute to stop and think I get a bit of a panic attack.  I'm sure everything will be fine, but huge life changes are hard and scary.  Plus, it's thunderstorming, so if I was superstitious I'd be worried about that omen...

Everyone is being super helpful and supportive, especially my mom, who is helping me pack (read: doing most of it).  She's super awesome.  Paprika is also helping as best she can.

Paprika is trying to come with me.

What a curious little kitty.

Noah's being super supportive and helpful too.  I'm a bit worried about the long-distance thing, but I know we will do our best to make it work.  We were talking about fun Skype-date ideas, and one that I came up with that I'm really excited for is both of us cooking the same meal over Skype.  We cook together a lot, so that's going to be fun.

Well, I have to go do some more packing so I don't think so much.  I've gotta be at O'Hare at 6 am tomorrow for my 9 am flight, so I have to finish up in the next couple of hours so I can go to bed early.  It's going to be a long day; I won't land in Bucaramanga until 11:20 pm.  Oof.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I Have an Address!

20 de julio 2016
Mt. Prospect, IL, USA

The emails are getting more frequent and I am getting more frantic!  I have just 4 days left to get everything in order.  I have an address down there now though!  Message/email me if you would like it.  I've heard USPS and UPS are not recommended, but DHL and FedEx are good.  It might still be opened by customs, but it should get there.

Monday, July 18, 2016

End of One Adventure

18 de julio 2016
Mount Prospect, IL, USA

Yesterday I moved out of my Chicago apartment and back to my parents' house for the next week.  Most of my stuff will be sitting in a storage unit for at least the next two years; it will be like Christmas morning when I open everything again (Oh, I forgot I had this!).

 The dinos are ready.

This may be the largest bedroom I will ever have in my lifetime.  I had a double bed in the center AND a couch, plus a dresser and a desk!

Special thanks to Brenda and my mom for master-packing the truck.   

Goodbye all my stuff!  See you in a few years!

I had loads of help from some fantastic people (As one of them said, "You don't know your real friends by who shows up to your party. You know your real friends by who shows up to help you move.") and some EXTREME help which made this the smoothest move ever from my mom and our family friend Brenda.  You guys rock.

By this time next week, I will be on a plane.  It still doesn't feel real yet...maybe as I pack up my suitcases this week it'll sink in.  Who knows.

Another totally important question - if PokémonGO hasn't been released in South America yet, will I still be able to play since I downloaded it from the USA?  Will I just be the master of all the gyms in Bucaramanga?  Let's light it up blue! Go Team Mystic!

Adiós for now!