Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Nueva Aventura en Bucaramanga, Colombia!

28 de junio 2016
Chicago, IL, USA

¡Hola! It's just under one month until I leave, so it's time to brush the dust of ye olde bloge.  In case you missed the huge life update, I'll be moving to Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia to teach high school math at Colegio Panamericano for the next two years.

I'm super excited and super nervous for this next huge adventure.  I'll be updating this blog so you can all follow along with how my life is going.  Feel free to comment or otherwise reach out to me - I'll still be in CST (for at least half the year; Colombia doesn't need to save daylight).

Answers to a few FAQs:
  • I will be teaching in English.  CP is an American HS, and the students will receive a US degree and a Colombian degree.
  • I found this school through a job fair I did with the University of Northern Iowa.  If you're looking to teach abroad, I'd start there.  The job fair is an overwhelming and stressful 48 hours, but totally worth it.
  • I chose CP because it seems REALLY supportive - the admin seem like they really care about and take care of their teachers; the teachers all go out with each other and seem really tight; I'll be provided with a school mentor AND a cultural mentor, PLUS I'll be "adopted" by one of the school's families.
  • I'm 23% fluent in Spanish on Duolingo and the school provides free Spanish classes.
  • I leave on July 25th - there's a 1 week orientation for new teachers, then 1 week of professional development for all teachers, then the students arrive August 8 (Eek! That's so close!)
Signing off for now, gotta start packing, learning Spanish, and getting everything together!