Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Hallo von Holzkirchen!

So here are my thoughts and observations about Holzkirchen after walking around yesterday and today:
the town is made up almost exclusively of:
-dirndl/laderhosen shops
-other cafes/bars

saw some cows yesterday too. they were cute and they walked right up to the edge of the fence to say hello.
there are giant slugs EVERYWHERE on the sidewalk. so gross. und groß. gross in both languages.

last night for dinner i had a yummy beef broth soup, and then some grilled meat and fries, and then ice cream with mixed berries.  tried dunkeles Bier.  all was delicious. then i went with some of the other kids to the bar across the street to watch the soccer game (brazil and paraguay tied).

today we had breakfast at the hotel, which was delicious, and then orientation, where we introduced ourselves, and learned a bit about holzkirchen, the bayerische dialect, and some other things.  then we had lunch, which was a chicken goulasch thing, very yummy. had coke with real sugar.  then we had a scavenger hunt type thingy (eine schnitzeljagd) around holzkirchen to get to know the town.  and then i took a short nap cuz i was exhausted.  then was dinner, which was pork and a giant dumpling.  the pork was kinda fatty, but good once the fat is cut off. the dumpling was yummy.  i had apfelsaftschorle, which is apple juice mixed with mineral water so it is bubbly.  pretty good. interesting to say the least.

after dinner i came back to my room and packed; we had to put our suitcases in the other room to be locked up for the next 10 or so days, which is the whirlwind tour of deutschland.  tomorrow is köln, gotta leave for the 7 hour train ride at 9:45.

well, its almost midnight now, so im going to bed. gnite all!


  1. Katie,
    Hello from Des Plaines. You have such a great opportunity. I hope you have a great time. I'll look forward to reading your blog.
    My brothers may chuckle at your comment about the pork. I can tell you're my niece.
    Have fun!
    Aunt Moni

  2. We picky eaters have to stick together =]
